A bond completion project with a tri-party agreement between the District, the surety and Blois Construction. Extensive project management, coordination and communication was required to complete this project that had been partially completed by a prior contractor. Concrete demolition and repair, mechanical piping, HVAC, exhaust piping, misc. steel, fire sprinklers, generator and electrical were all a part of this project. Grading and paving was also required to complete civil improvements on adjacent city streets.
A fast track design-build project to increase the reliability of critical water delivery to the Santa Barbara coastal region. Design challenges included determining pipeline route through multiple easements, numerous environmental and biological requirements and approvals, historical landmarks and system design to meet hydraulic requirements of the system. Construction challenges included installing approximately 2,000 lf of 48" welded steel pipe in extremely steep and difficult terrain, protecting the fragile existing 60 year supply line and excavating through hard rock.