An innovative storm water retention and filtration system were the highlights on this project to expand the City of Santa Monica's public bus yard. The desire to keep all storm water runoff onsite required large underground retention vaults and filtration systems before discharging into the ground water. New sewer, water, firewater and gas were also installed for the new facilities. Pre-planning and coordination with the General Contractor was required due to phased construction intended to keep the existing facility in operation.
Blois Construction installed all of the storm drain, sewer and leach fields and domestic and fire water for this project at a reduced cost to help contribute to the building of this important facility. The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation is a not for profit organization with the mission to train and provide search dogs to assist in the rescue of victims of natural disaster worldwide. One interesting aspect of this project was the combining of confined space training for our crews with the training for the search dogs, utilizing the new storm drain system that we installed.
Complete replacement of existing utilities in Sony Studios "Main Street" at their Culver City studios. Storm drain, sewer, domestic and fire water and steel gas line systems were installed in extremely tight conditions and scheduling restraints. The studios production schedule required Blois to work seven days a week and double shifts. In addition, work locations and access were constantly changed to meet the studio's needs. Unknown or mis-marked existing utilities resulted in "on-the-fly" design changes and made for challenging work.